One Week before Thanksgiving Logistical Planning
Last week we shared some ideas for planning ahead. This week we have a few more ideas of things you can do now – to make more time for friends and family closer to Thanksgiving day.
A week before
- Clean house and decorate (wreaths, centerpieces, and table cloths)
- Show your housekeeper (if you have one) that you’re thankful for their services. Schedule your cleaning early and express your gratitude through a holiday tip.
- Start planning/making the centerpieces. Here are 70 ideas from HGTV –
- Don’t forget about decorating outside too!
- Get extra tables or chairs (if needed)
- Make Yam Casserole
- Cool completely and freeze
- (omit the topping – Add the marshmallows when reheating on Thanksgiving)
- Wash and press table cloth and napkins
- Purchase foods that will keep for a week (frozen desserts and hearty vegetables).
- Onions, garlic, potatoes, sweet potatoes, root vegetables, winter squash.
- Wait to buy more delicate vegetables such as green beans, asparagus, or Brussels sprouts.
- Wash and store your greens.
- Start making extra ice.
- Make and freeze any soups you might have on the menu.
- Make pastry for pies.
Ideas for the list came from – Thanksgiving Menus for Beginners to Experts | Allrecipes, Wayfair Ultimate Thanksgiving Guide, Cook’s Illustrated Make-ahead schedule, and AGT Global team members!