One Week before Thanksgiving Logistical Planning

Last week we shared some ideas for planning ahead. This week we have a few more ideas of things you can do now – to make more time for friends and family closer to Thanksgiving day.

A week before

  • Clean house and decorate (wreaths, centerpieces, and table cloths)
    • Show your housekeeper (if you have one) that you’re thankful for their services. Schedule your cleaning early and express your gratitude through a holiday tip.
    • Start planning/making the centerpieces.  Here are 70 ideas from HGTV –


    • Don’t forget about decorating outside too!

50 Cheap and Easy Outdoor Fall Decorations

  • Get extra tables or chairs (if needed)


  • Make Yam Casserole
    • Cool completely and freeze
    • (omit the topping – Add the marshmallows when reheating on Thanksgiving)


  • Wash and press table cloth and napkins


  • Purchase foods that will keep for a week (frozen desserts and hearty vegetables).
    • Onions, garlic, potatoes, sweet potatoes, root vegetables, winter squash.
    • Wait to buy more delicate vegetables such as green beans, asparagus, or Brussels sprouts.
    • Wash and store your greens.


  • Start making extra ice.


  • Make and freeze any soups you might have on the menu.



Over 20 popular best Thanksgiving soup recipes including pumpkin and butternut squash soups, potato soups, vegetable soups, and Thanksgiving leftover soup. |


Ideas for the list came from – Thanksgiving Menus for Beginners to Experts | Allrecipes, Wayfair Ultimate Thanksgiving Guide, Cook’s Illustrated Make-ahead schedule, and AGT Global team members!
