Expanded Emergency Declaration – https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/emergency/expanded-emergency-declaration-under-49-cfr-ss-39023-no-2020-002
The President has declared a nationwide emergency and provides an exemption to parts 390-399 of the FMCSR to allow for immediate transportation of essential supplies, equipment and people… for “motor carriers and drivers engaged in the transport of essential supplies, equipment, and persons.”
This includes:
1. Medical Supplies and Equipment (testing, diagnostic, and treatment of COVID-19)
2. Supplies and Equipment for community safety, sanitation, and prevention of transmission (masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, soap, and disinfectants)
3. Food, paper products, and other groceries
4. Immediate precursor raw materials (paper, plastic, and alcohol – required and used for producing items in 1, 2, and 3)
5. Fuel
6. Equipment, Supplies, and People to establish temporary housing, quarantine and isolation facilities
7. People designated by the FED, State, or local authorities for medial, isolation or quarantine purposes
8. People necessary to provide other EMS (to keep the population safe) –
****Direct assistance does not include routine commercial drivers, including mixed loads just made to obtain the benefits of this emergency declaration ****
Parts 390-399 must be followed when operating in non-direct assistance circumstances. The only exception is when returning an empty direct assistance run. The driver may return empty without complying with parts 390-399.
If a driver informs the motor carrier that they need immediate rest – the driver may be permitted at least 10 consecutive hours off duty before being required to return to the terminal or normal reporting location. Once a drive has returned, they must be relieved of all duties and responsibilities and receive a minimum of 10 hours off duty in transporting property and 8 hours if transporting passengers.
Carriers with drivers subject to out-of-service orders are not eligible for the relief granted.
This emergency declaration is in effect immediately and will last until the termination of the emergency or April 12, 2020 (whichever occurs sooner).
You can find more information about 390-399 about the FMCSA here – https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/regulations/title49/b/5/3
For the past 11 months, Angela Eliacostas served as the Women In Trucking Association’s – Influential Woman of the Year. She attended conferences on behalf of the organization. She joined Ellen Voie, President of the Women In Trucking Association at the largely attended hiring conference – Indeed Interactive in May where they discussed hiring for trucking and logistics.
The WIT speaking engagements concluding last week at the 2019 Women In Trucking Association’s Accelerate! Conference. Here, Angela shared her story with the more than 1100 conference-goers. She lead roundtable discussions on leadership, and facilitated the Influential Woman of the Year Award presentation – passing over the title of Influential Woman of the Year to Ruth Lopez of Ryder System Inc.
Throughout the year, Angela reached out to WIT Members of the Month and also through the monthly “Ask Angela” in WIT E-News. Here Angela addressed topics such as “How do I get Started in Trucking?” to “How Important is Experience When Searching for Jobs in Trucking and Logistics?” and “Combatting Negative Stereotypes” to “How to Manage a Family/Work Life Balance.”
As Angela reflected on her experience she notes, “This opportunity allowed me to meet many amazing people. I was able to travel and speak at conferences – helping promote diversity in the industry. I met people who have dedicated their lives to trucking and those just thinking about starting a career. It’s an exciting time to join a fleet, purchase your first rig or venture off – starting a trucking or 3PL company of your own. The opportunities are out there and associations like WIT are here to answer questions and provide support and connections.
It will be bittersweet handing over the title of Influential Woman of the Year in October at the Accelerate! conference in Dallas. It will be great to pass the torch to another very-deserved woman. But, I will miss the continuous interactions I’ve had with Ellen and the entire staff. I, along with my company AGT Global Logistics, will remain a member, supporter, and sponsor of WIT. I look forward to promoting the Association’s mission and messages well into the future.
Thank you to all Women In Trucking – you keep the world turning.” ~ Angela